3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing1718906828 950 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing1718906829 47 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing1718906830 757 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing1718906830 386 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing1718906831 729 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing
Price: 18.99 - 16.79

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

These Large Gauge piercing segment rings are made by 316L stainless steel,it is the high grade material solution for people who suffer from nickel sensitivity.They are all hand made and excellent quality with a anti tarnish Polished finished.You may need to use ring-opening pliers to fit this ring or buy from our store.


We are a manufactory of stainless steel and titanium jewelry,more than 95% items on sell produced by our self plant,if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us,we try our best to offer you 100% satisfaction.


If you are problem with the ring opening please visit ''piercing tools'' in our store and buy a open plier.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing


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gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 3mm to 6mm thick stainless steel body piercing jewelry segment ring for nipple ear piercing



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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