G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Pierc - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry1718869928 116 G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Pierc - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry1718869929 36 G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Pierc - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry1718869930 759 G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Pierc - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry1718869930 958 G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Pierc - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry1718869930 129 G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Pierc - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry
Price: 2.56 - 0.99

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

Features :
Featuring round cubic zirconia inlaid, unique and stylish.
It is a perfect ornament to make you look charming and graceful.
Easy to match with diverse apparel.


Type: Navel Ring
Material: Titanium, Zircon
size:1.6*10*4/6mm ,1.6*10*5/8mm
Occasion: Belly Dance, Party, Banquet, Gift

Package Included:
1Pcs x Navel Rings

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gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - G23 Titanium Internally Thread Navel Piercing Jewellery Sexy Belly Button Rings 14G Navel Body Piercing CZ Beach Pendant Jewelry

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Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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