Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1 10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF21718831828 147 Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1 10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF21718831828 624 Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1 10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF21718831828 645 Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1 10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF21718831829 767 Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1 10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF21718831829 812 Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1 10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2
Price: 11.41 - 7.73

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International








Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2

CNC Machined

Industrial Grade Steel

Advanced Internal Spline

Uni-Joint for super smooth operation

Direct fit, no modification needed

Works with most trucks and transmissions, designed to allow more

Smooth rotation and strength.

Weight and Travel Distance:

62-70mm 33g

65-72mm 35g

66-75mm 36g

76-92mm 40g

82-100mm 44g

101-135mm 54g

116-165mm 62g

120-170mm 64g

136-200mm 71g

Universal Joint Diameter: 12mm

Shaft Body Diameter: 10mm

Hole size: 5mm

M4 Driveshaft Pin

What’s Included

1 * Stainless Steel Drive Shaft

2 * M4 Driveshaft Pin

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2

Hfb1d92c0486d4f61886b2593c84cb9e9M - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H56fce3b9aeb347a1b640e0463ecbbddcY - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 Hf29593224b4f49049e200f50be9d4a82O - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 Hc85371c67fc541da8da634419c3ea9bcU - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 Hf7170dd59a2c4fcd86b02cc28829a599a - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H124b6d8bcb124762addc1ab17f90dcd4h - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2
Ha68577b265644989aeadae2514cbccd35 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H09d63eb3f5d3465b937e1a6837ac977dW - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H2ea0ff552d43430b8488cf00cd11e73bQ - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H42fe9fb5fe2248fc8b945a9e7e182875V - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 Hb887e03e1fdf43e689daadcc433012d6t - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H2f669b3dfe114b588541c9fb3a331f53x - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H5a1ee1e16b61432c80f0058eb5b0422aQ - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2 H418382aae98f4a429dbc2864aa6c37ce3 - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2



gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Universal Joint Internal Spline Hardened Steel Drive Shaft for 1/10 RC Crawler Car Axial SCX10 TRX4 REDCAT GEN8 RGT86100 D90 TF2



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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