Yellow Bazin Rich Dress With Scarf And Belt African Senegal Women Wedding Party Long Robe Nigerian.j - Yellow Bazin Rich Dress With Scarf And Belt African Senegal Women Wedding Party Long Robe Nigerian Basin Dashiki Clothing Robe
Price: 63.71 - 34.40

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

【Top quality】:This Kaftan Dresses For Women are used Bazin Riche cotton.

【Advanced Embroidery Craft】:The african evening dress used advanced computer printed,Advanced printed,Excellent workmanship.

【Style】:African Tribal Ethnic Clothing / Africa Retro Fashion Style,the Abaya novelty in style, which made the classic african dress gorgeous and unique. wearing them you are always in the spotlight among the crowd.

【Occasion】: This african attire for women suitable for formal wear or daily dress, such as wedding, banquet, and celebration, birthday party,themed party,church,evening party, gala and so on.

Sa61162d3f6214fcc85e1c24773088788u - Yellow Bazin Rich Dress With Scarf And Belt African Senegal Women Wedding Party Long Robe Nigerian Basin Dashiki Clothing Robe

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Yellow Bazin Rich Dress With Scarf And Belt African Senegal Women Wedding Party Long Robe Nigerian Basin Dashiki Clothing Robe



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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